Building Effective Teams
Management, Training Zubair Rajub Management, Training Zubair Rajub

Building Effective Teams

Whether you are studying or working, you will inevitably come across teamwork in one form or another. This blog introduces you to the five stages of team development, how to cultivate the right mindset and some practical strategies for team development.

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5 Top Strategies for Prioritizing Tasks
Teacher Training Zubair Rajub Teacher Training Zubair Rajub

5 Top Strategies for Prioritizing Tasks

Whatever profession we are in, we need to manage multiple responsibility simultaneously as well ensuring all tasks are completed to a high standard on time. How can we know which task needs to be finished first? How are the tasks integrated with each other? How can we know which task should be done first?

Our blog on prioritizing tasks looks at some tips and tools we can use in order to be effective and efficient with completing all of our tasks.

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A Teacher’s Guide to Mastering Time Management
Teacher Training Zubair Rajub Teacher Training Zubair Rajub

A Teacher’s Guide to Mastering Time Management

If you have ever taught a class, regardless of the age or the subject one difficulty that often crops up is that we ‘never have enough time.’ Unforeseen situations and issues may arise, leading us to be unable to meet all of our lesson objectives.

This blog aims at helping teachers with some key time management issues, looking at some frequent issues that can occur as well as possible solutions to these issues.

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5 Effective Training Warm Ups
Management, Trainer's Training, Training Zubair Rajub Management, Trainer's Training, Training Zubair Rajub

5 Effective Training Warm Ups

The beginning of any training will always set the tone for the trainees. One of the most important part is the warm up at the beginning of a training. Many training may straight go into it, but an effective and engaging warm up will engage and motivate trainees to the training.

Our blog will give 5 adaptive and effective warm ups that can be used in most training sessions!

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Leadership Vs Management
Management, Leadership Zubair Rajub Management, Leadership Zubair Rajub

Leadership Vs Management

A leader and a manager often gets confused to as being the same thing. Whilst some overlap will occur and can easily be displayed in a venn diagram, there are also some big differences between the two that needs to be known.

This blog will look at an introduction of the differences between leadership and management, as well as analyzing if they are both needed in a company and why!

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The Art of Communication
Management, Self Development Zubair Rajub Management, Self Development Zubair Rajub

The Art of Communication

Communication is the oil for the machinery. It is frequently spoken about but rarely looked upon. One common frustration from employees is that ‘communication could be better’. This blog is a starter guide to help improve your communication skills, whether using it in a professional or personal setting!

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Conflict Management: How to Manage Workplace Conflict
Management Zubair Rajub Management Zubair Rajub

Conflict Management: How to Manage Workplace Conflict

Conflict, both positive and negative, is something that happens in every workplace. Many managers or companies themselves find it difficult to deal with conflict and may actively avoid it, thus halting progress and causing workplace de-motivation and tension.

We look at what conflict is, why it can be beneficial to the workplace and how to manage workplace conflict!

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Project Management 101
Management Zubair Rajub Management Zubair Rajub

Project Management 101

Implementing a project can be a nightmare for any business, big or small. Common problems seems to re-occur with similar projects, with the cost or time normally escalating, or issues with quality.

Our blog will help anyone getting started or would like more detail on what is project management, as well as how to be an effective project manager!

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Change Management: Dealing with Change
Management Zubair Rajub Management Zubair Rajub

Change Management: Dealing with Change

Implementing successful change in the organization can be one of the hardest things for companies to do, but it is one of, if not the most important thing!

Failure to be aware of the changing environment, how to implement successfully or reinforcing the change can lead to the downfall of the company. This blog covers what change management is, resistance and what companies can do to overcome these!

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