Bloom's Taxonomy - Cognitive Domain


How people are instructed is essential to how well they learn what they are being instructed in, whether these are adults or children. Bloom’s Taxonomy is one of the core teaching principles of designing and teaching students.

We have to remember a concept before we can understand it

We have to understand a concept before we can apply it

We have to be able to apply a concept before we can analyze it

We have to analyze a concept before we can evaluate it

We have to remember, understand, apply, analyze, and evaluate a concept before we can create

The above is what Bloom’s is all about. This one hour and 10 minutes training is designed to help any instructors be aware of how to create their lessons using Bloom’s method. Our training looks at the following:

  • What is Bloom’s?

  • Lower Order Thinking (LOTS) Vs Higher Order Thinking (HOTS)

  • Making Bloom’s

  • Bloom’s Outside Education

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How people are instructed is essential to how well they learn what they are being instructed in, whether these are adults or children. Bloom’s Taxonomy is one of the core teaching principles of designing and teaching students.

We have to remember a concept before we can understand it

We have to understand a concept before we can apply it

We have to be able to apply a concept before we can analyze it

We have to analyze a concept before we can evaluate it

We have to remember, understand, apply, analyze, and evaluate a concept before we can create

The above is what Bloom’s is all about. This one hour and 10 minutes training is designed to help any instructors be aware of how to create their lessons using Bloom’s method. Our training looks at the following:

  • What is Bloom’s?

  • Lower Order Thinking (LOTS) Vs Higher Order Thinking (HOTS)

  • Making Bloom’s

  • Bloom’s Outside Education

How people are instructed is essential to how well they learn what they are being instructed in, whether these are adults or children. Bloom’s Taxonomy is one of the core teaching principles of designing and teaching students.

We have to remember a concept before we can understand it

We have to understand a concept before we can apply it

We have to be able to apply a concept before we can analyze it

We have to analyze a concept before we can evaluate it

We have to remember, understand, apply, analyze, and evaluate a concept before we can create

The above is what Bloom’s is all about. This one hour and 10 minutes training is designed to help any instructors be aware of how to create their lessons using Bloom’s method. Our training looks at the following:

  • What is Bloom’s?

  • Lower Order Thinking (LOTS) Vs Higher Order Thinking (HOTS)

  • Making Bloom’s

  • Bloom’s Outside Education

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